着骆驼的迪拜当地人,远处高耸的建筑物是正在建设的迪拜塔 迪拜政府周三宣布,将负责王牌公司迪拜世界(Dubai World)的重组,并要求债权人接受延期还款。次日,欧洲和亚洲各... [查看全文]
图:迪拜世界旗下房地产公司开发的人工岛项目。这个椰树造型的人工岛将被打造成豪华度假村。 阿拉伯联合酋长国负债累累的迪拜酋长国周三宣布,它将重组其最大的企业实体迪拜... [查看全文]
1, Building candlelight in the wind风中烛火大厦 2, Palm Island棕榈岛 3、Dubai tower迪拜塔 4、Anara Tower Anara大楼 5、Station车站(里边可是带空调滴... [查看全文]
The estranged wife of Premier Silvio Berlusconi says in a book published yesterday that it was her husband's alleged lies that pushed her... [查看全文]
袭击者马西莫·塔尔塔利亚 Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was recovering Monday in the hospital from a violent assault that many Italians... [查看全文]
意大利总理贝鲁斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)周日晚间参加政治集会时遭到袭击。集会结束时,一名男子从近距离将一个小型雕塑砸向贝鲁斯科尼面部,导致贝鲁斯科尼鼻子破裂以及嘴... [查看全文]
100,000 women say they're offended by Berlusconi More than 100,000 women have signed a petition saying they are offended by Prime Minister Si... [查看全文]
Berlusconi irks opposition with Obama "tan" comment Italy's opposition newspapers criticised Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on Monday for again... [查看全文]
Berlusconi's daughter raps dad over model scandalItalian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's daughter has said she was amazed by the attention he... [查看全文]
Purported conversation with prostitute after sex centres on PM's apparent prowess John Hooper in Rome,Thursday 23 July 2009 18.34 BST The Itali... [查看全文]