来华访问的美国总统巴拉克-奥巴马周一表示,他有必要进一步了解中国。 Visiting US President Barack Obama said here on Monday that he need to know more ... [查看全文]
如果美国白宫认为总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的个人魅力可以成为一项外交政策资产,那么这种理论将要在中国面对最严峻的考验了。奥巴马昨晚抵达中国——他首次亚太之旅... [查看全文]
在美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)考虑是否向阿富汗增兵的最终决定之际,他下周对北京的访问,将带来一个敦促中国在这场冲突中扮演更大角色的机会。 As Barack Obama... [查看全文]
图:美国国务卿希拉里(戴墨镜者)与众议员列文(Sander Levin,背对镜头者)周三在新加坡交谈 美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)下周将首次与东南亚国家领导人召开峰会,美国正... [查看全文]
某知名家族的一位成员在本周菲律宾南部造成57人遇害的大屠杀中被列为头号疑犯,他周四向政府自首,准备在菲律宾最为严重的这起政治暴力事件中接受调查。 A prominent clan ... [查看全文]
Pressure grew on President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on Wednesday to bring to justice the perpetrators of a massacre in the southern Philippines... [查看全文]
现场已被警方封锁,一名被害者的手露在外面 警方说,在菲律宾周一发生的历史上最严重的选举暴力事件中,截至周二已有至少46人被害。菲律宾总统阿罗约(Gloria Macapagal Arr... [查看全文]
菲律宾南部马京达瑙省周一至少有45人被杀害,当局称这是近年该国最严重的政治暴力事件之一。 At least 45 people were killed in the southern Philippine province... [查看全文]
The cover of Susan Boyle's new album "I Dreamed A Dream".Susan Boyle has landed her own US television special as her debut album I Dreamed... [查看全文]
Susan Boyle calls fame a "demolition ball" Susan Boyle, a singer who became a global star with a show-stopping performance on "Britain's Got... [查看全文]