Berlusconi 'unaware party girls were paid' A businessman who recruited young women to attend parties at Premier Silvio Berlusconi's homes has ... [查看全文]
摘要:意大利总理贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)周日否认与18岁的女模特存在“暧昧”关系,目前这位媒体大亨正在极力平息考验他公共关系手段的政治和个人风暴。 Italian Pri... [查看全文]
Berlusconi says is best leader in Italy's history Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi hit back at his critics on Thursday, saying he is... [查看全文]
2007年8月《男性健康》杂志以老虎伍兹为封面 2007年夏,老虎伍兹(Tiger Woods)的代理人给《高尔夫大师》(Golf Digest)的编辑带来了有些匪夷所思的消息。尽管这本杂志每年花... [查看全文]
2009年最令人失望的名人恐怕非约翰·爱德华兹(John Edwards)莫属。老虎伍兹(Tiger Woods)也只能屈居第二位。 When it comes to being the 'most disappointing' pu... [查看全文]
咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture PLC)周日表示,将结束与老虎伍兹(Tiger Woods)为期六年的代言合同。此前两周里,这位高尔夫球星被曝出婚外情。 Accenture PLC is dropping it... [查看全文]
You're Elin Nordegren. You're hurting and humiliated. And in two weeks you've watched your home life go from a car crash to a train wreck.... [查看全文]
老虎伍兹身穿耐克服装在于乔治亚州举行的2008年高尔夫大师赛上 As the din over Tiger Woods's car accident and alleged extramarital affairs grows louder,... [查看全文]
老虎伍兹登上了《Us Weekly》杂志的封面 老虎伍兹(Tiger Woods)可能会失去他在各地的一些球迷,但却有了一位新的追随者──雅虎公司(Yahoo! Inc.)首席执行长卡罗尔·巴茨(... [查看全文]
眼下号称是老虎伍兹(Tiger Woods)情人的已有九位之多。许多人不禁要问,是什么原因让他如此堕落。 Now that the ninth alleged Tiger Woods mistress has emerged,... [查看全文]