社交用语——在银行 Bank开新账户I'd like to open a new account.我想开个账户。Now enter your PIN.现在输入您的密码。转定期I... [查看全文]
社交用语——购物 Shopping购买What would you like today?今天您想买什么?I'd like four of those cakes, please.我想要四块... [查看全文]
社交用语——喝咖啡 Coffee点咖啡I'd like a white coffee, thanks.我来一杯加牛奶的咖啡,谢谢。I'll have a chocolate muffin... [查看全文]
社交用语——就餐 Restaurant点菜What's your specialty?你们的招牌菜是什么?I would like the asparagus to start with and ... [查看全文]
社交用语——谈论天气 Weather询问天气What's the weather like?天气怎么样?天气情况The weather forecast says that it's goin... [查看全文]
社交用语——约会 Appointment提出约会I'd like to make an appointment with Mr Morris, please.我想约见莫里斯先生。时间、地... [查看全文]
社交用语——邀请 Invitation发出邀请Would you like to come to a party on Saturday?周六你想参加聚会吗?We are throwing ... [查看全文]
社交用语——打电话 Telephone说明找谁I'd like to speak to Mr Smith, please.我想找史密斯先生。接通I'll put you through.我... [查看全文]
社交用语——告知消息 Information好消息I've got some great news to tell you.我有好消息要告诉你。Guess what!I finally go... [查看全文]
社交用语——说明时间和日期 Time and Date说明时间What time is it?现在几点了?Quarter to three now.差15分3点。说明日期What... [查看全文]