三一口语五级并不是那么难,下面提供两个对话题目的参考问题和答案,供大家参考。参考话题1 SAMPLE TOPIC: ENTERTAINMENT1.Do you lik... [查看全文]
本月和九月四级考试的题都非常常规,特总结给大家:Food1. What's your favourite food?2. What's the difference between... [查看全文]
Section 1: Greetings 打招呼1. What’s your name?2. May I have your name?3. Can you tell me your name?4. How... [查看全文]
昨天,在北京市教育考试院网站上查询女儿的考试结果,比我们预期的有差距,只是C(通过),我们期待的是良好,虽然女儿自己感觉一般,我们还... [查看全文]
1. How I went thereWe had a chance to Japan at the end of last term. There was an exchange program between m... [查看全文]
Sample questions Grade 3:1. 有关时间和日期的: What time(when) do you usually get up?What's the date today? What... [查看全文]
My Unforgettable Experience in America1. Who I went to Ameica withMy Mom was a visiting scholar of MIT, so I w... [查看全文]
伦敦三一学院口语(GESE) 级别描述将于2010年2月起内容有部分调整。 以下所列级别描述内容变动将从2010年2月开始在北京地区使用。Ⅰ 1-3... [查看全文]
寒假学而思的三一口语班越来越临近了,相信有的家长和孩子还是抱着试一试的心态,让孩子来冲刺寒假三一口语的考试。作为一名学而思考试类的... [查看全文]
语录一:We are the change we are seeking.我们就是我们正在寻找的变化!语录二:We are the ones we have beening waiting ... [查看全文]