Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.谁也没有意识到,有些人耗费了极大的精力,... [查看全文]
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空。Women are mean... [查看全文]
Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.未得到表达的情... [查看全文]
The most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.生命中最重要的两天,... [查看全文]
提问系列 1、我想问你一个问题。 I would like to ask you a question. 好,请说。 Yes. Please do. 2、你可以回... [查看全文]
一直以为超市就是supermarket.直到去了美国后发现,老外从来不说supermarket这个词!那是什么呢?今天就来带大家一探究竟! 美国人... [查看全文]
以下是一些常见关于给出自己看法的各种回答,但实际上却不是那么合适。 1.-How was the movie? 电影怎么样? -So-so/It'... [查看全文]
A:Hey! Ask your mom for more old pictures, OK? 嘿!跟你妈妈多拿些旧照片好吗? B:Can't it wait? She'... [查看全文]
A:Where is our son, dear? 亲爱的,我们的儿子在哪里? B:He is in his bedroom. He has been in a bad mood... [查看全文]
A:I have puzzled my brain about how to teach the children. 关于如何教育孩子真让我大伤脑经。 B:What is your... [查看全文]