1 Thank you, that' s very kind of you!谢谢你这么说。2. I really appreciate you noticing that.感谢你看到了这一点... [查看全文]
1. Blood is thicker than water. Family relationships are stronger than any others. 中文里的血浓于水,这算是完... [查看全文]
1)unwind例句: I’m beat. We need to unwind. Let’s get a drink.我累死了,得好好放松下。我们出去喝一杯吧。Wind... [查看全文]
1. flap one's jaws 信口开河,胡说八道Jim always starts flapping his jaws after he's had a couple of drinks... [查看全文]
Ladette is a young woman whose social behaviour is similar to that of male adolescents or young men. Ladette be... [查看全文]
英文习语瀚如烟海。你随便伸出一只手就是个习语,信不信?来看本期为你准备的身体各部位习语。1. flap one's jaws 信口开河,胡说八... [查看全文]
以下介绍一些社交媒体网站中常用语和用法举例:关注 followI can’t decide if I should follow my ex-boyfriend on a mi... [查看全文]
疯狂动物城刷新了迪士尼电影票房新高!兔警官的有力逆袭刷新了人们梦想的新高度,主题曲try everything让人热血沸腾,一个动物乌托邦唱响了... [查看全文]
1. She has been dumped on too often。 她老是上当受骗。 2. Mary was done brown! 玛丽上当了! 3. He knew... [查看全文]