Pillars, posts and columns all support buildings or bridges. A pillar is a strong pole that supports part of... [查看全文]
Employees usually need to ask for permission from their boss for leave, which is called qingjia in Chinese. ... [查看全文]
High ten is a double handed high five, usually reserved for especially awesome scenarios。 High ten指双手击掌... [查看全文]
直升机父母、替代父母、豆竿家庭这些好奇怪的名词,究竟是什么意思呢? helicopter parent n. A parent who hovers over h... [查看全文]
学英语的人都知道,莎士比亚为英语词汇的发展做出了卓越的贡献,我们现在使用的很多词汇和表达都是源于莎翁的作品,比如salad days、green... [查看全文]
我们在买东西的时候,有些销售员嘴巴特别甜,说的你不买都对不起她,那刘老师分享嘴甜用英语怎么去说,甜可用honey 嘴巴说就用tongue ... [查看全文]
美国人使用的很多短语里面都含有dog这个词。美国人很喜欢狗,对他们的狗非常好。他们会带狗去散步,让狗在户外玩耍,给他们良好的食物和医... [查看全文]
1.put two and two together 根据事实推理例句:If we put two and two together, we might come up with the right an... [查看全文]
What words or phrases drive people crazy?哪些词或者短语让人们抓狂?"Free gift" - a gift is free. Even worse is "fre... [查看全文]