1. 电话断线 drop call,如: My phone keeps dropping calls. 我的手机一直断线。 2. 没信号 no signal,如: ... [查看全文]
1. I just want a trim. 我只是想修一修头发。2. I want to dye my hair. 我想染下头发。3. Part my hair on the left/... [查看全文]
1.This is my round.轮到我付钱了。2.It's my treat.我请客。3.I'm buying.我来买单。4.Let me get this.我来做东。5.I... [查看全文]
一个人可能有"brother"或者"sister"。我们也可以叫他们"siblings"。"Mom" 和"Dad"是对"parents"的称呼。他们也可以有一个或者两个"sib... [查看全文]
The sun is shining.艳阳高照。It's drizzling.阴雨蒙蒙。The wind is blowing.风呼呼的吹。The rain is falling.落大雨。It... [查看全文]
1. I''m sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I've got something urgent to tell you. 抱歉打断... [查看全文]
1. How am I doing so far? 到目前为止我表现如何?(可以用自嘲的口吻说哦) so far 到目前为止,迄今为止。有个很常用的... [查看全文]
I'm not feeling too well。我不太舒服。I have to be up early for work tomorrow。我明早要早起上班。My wife said I... [查看全文]
1. You scared me!你吓死我了!2. I am freaked out!吓死我了!3. I am frightened out of my wits!我的魂都被吓飞了!4. That... [查看全文]
1. We've been going out for quite some time now。 我们相恋已经很长时间了。 这可是一个很好的热身句子哦。你可... [查看全文]