高中:I will never marry you;三级:Never will I marry you;四级:You are the last man I am willing to marry;六级:... [查看全文]
Need a hand? 要帮忙吗?I saw it first hand. 我亲眼所见。Get your hands off me! 把手拿开。I've got to hand it ... [查看全文]
1. get out (of here) 滚蛋 这个应该是最家喻户晓的"滚"了吧,使用频率高,适用场合百搭。 eg: Didn't you hear me... [查看全文]
开始恶补开会时可以救命的句子吧: 1.Since everyone's here, shall we get started? 大家到齐了,我们开始吧? 2.T... [查看全文]
binge drinking=酗酒drink problem=酗酒成瘾drink like a fish=喝酒跟喝水似的drink himself to death=烂醉如泥drink-driving=drun... [查看全文]
一到过节亲友们聚会的时候,大家难免会喝几杯。今天,我们就来看看英文中跟喝酒有关的一些常用句子表达。下回如果有机会跟外国朋友一起... [查看全文]
您有没有遇到过这样的尴尬:在安静的地方发出较大的响声,或是在人多的时候忍不住想answer the call of nature……怎样从容地应对... [查看全文]
走调儿的第一个意思是人唱歌或唱戏不合调子,也说跑调儿。英语(论坛)常用 can't carry a tune/to fail to carry a tune ... [查看全文]
症状 symptoms 病症 have a cold 感冒 flu 流感 have a cough 咳嗽 have a sore throat 嗓子痛 have a... [查看全文]
当两人是非正式或非常亲密的关系时,就需要用到非正式称呼: First name 名(用于称呼朋友,学生,孩子) Miss/Mr + 名(舞蹈老... [查看全文]