建党九十周年庆祝在即,我国各地掀起唱红热潮。曾经见证了党和国家成长的红色歌曲,似乎正在成为2011年中国文化的主旋律。 请看《中国日报》的报道: A total of 90 ministers and vice-ministers sang in a red song chorus in Beijing on Thursday to celebrate the upcoming 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China [查看全文]
1. Mary was done brown! 玛丽上当了! 2. He was dumped on. 他上当了。 3. You have been spoofed. 你上当了。 4. You've really been taken. 你真的上当了。 5. You have fallen into the trap. 你们上当了。 6. We were all fooled by him. 我们都上了他的当。 7. We got screwed when we bought this house. 我们 [查看全文]
夏天总是让人心烦气躁,闷热的天气、窗外的噪音、睡眠不足、工作压力等等都是让人烦心上火的原因,你有没有什么心烦的事呢? 1. You got me all bent out of shape. 你使我心烦。 2. That gives me the hump. 那事使我心烦。 3. The news completely upset him. 这条消息使他极为心烦。 4. The child's screams jarred my nerves. 那孩子的尖叫声让我心烦。 5. That man reall [查看全文]
作为全国飞行管制的统一组织实施者,空军确定推出5项措施,力求有效缓解航班延误现象。 请看新华社的报道: China's Air Force, the country's airspace regulator, will introduce measures to ease flight delays of [查看全文]
在上海街头,经常可以见到各种名牌跑车,在购物中心里各种奢华的时尚品牌也屡见不鲜,但是近日,在上海刮起了一阵高档食品风,高档超市里的进口和有机食品成了人们的消费新宠。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Recently, the owner of CP Lotus and Super Brand Mall announced the launch of its first upmarket food retail brand, Bazaar by Lotus, in Shanghai's Xintiandi, th [查看全文]
国外一些人热衷捏造所谓中国网络间谍的谣言,对此,专家表示,其说法完全是无中生有。这些人利用谣言抹黑中国的企图决不会得逞。 请看新华社的报道: American cyber-security experts failed to provide sufficient evidence when accusing Chinese cyber spies of trying to break into computers belonging to China specialists and defense con [查看全文]
工作以后,难免会有一些场合需要穿正装。每当这个时候,我们就会发现多数女性穿的都是黑色小裙子,不管搭配什么样的外套或配饰,看上去都很得体。看来衣橱里不能少了黑色小礼服喔。 [查看全文]
近来各类关于大陆游客赴台个人游的消息满天飞,在可能首批开放的几个城市北京、上海、厦门,5月中旬至今,相关旅行社的咨询电话都被打爆了。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Tourists from selected cities on the Chinese mainland will be able to travel across the Taiwan Straits as individual tourists by the end of June, said a senior mainland negoti [查看全文]
继赴港生子之后,越来越多的中国女性开始加入到赴美生子的行列,这一现象带动了国内相关代理机构的发展。 请看相关报道: Thanks to the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, children born on US soil automatically become US citizens, regardless of where their parents hail from. Hence the phenomenon of US birth t [查看全文]
备受社会关注的药家鑫案7日有了最终结果:经过最高人民法院依法核准,药家鑫被执行死刑。这一结果,体现了司法的公正,也彰显了社会的公平正义。 attorney 代理律师 appeal 上诉 death sentence/capital punishment 死刑 affirm the original judgment 维持原判 deprive sb. of political right for life/a lifelong revocation of political rights 剥夺政治权利终身 [查看全文]