南非摄影师迈克在世界各地拍摄数千张图片,然后通过软件合成了几十张全球女性大众脸。这几十张全球女性照有一个共同点她们都是全球各国和地区最普通的面容。但图片中的女孩并 [查看全文]
泰国据称为全球变性人比例最高的国家。但该国政府机构宣布,自今年11月29日起将实施一项新法,即规定泰国男性实施变性手术的最低年龄为18岁,且需符合多项规定。 请看外电的报道 [查看全文]
泰国一家新成立的航空公司出奇招,聘用泰国人妖当空服人员,以不寻常的方式来吸引乘客。该公司老板称,此番招募是受平权理念的启发,招募还将继续。 A new Thai airline is hiring tra [查看全文]
2011情人节英文短信祝福语: You are in my thoughts every minute of the day, in my dreams every hour of the night. I Love You more than Love Your kind and loving way, the thoughtful things you do and say, every gentle smile, make m [查看全文]
随手拍照解救乞讨儿童微博开通短短半月以来,吸引粉丝超过16万,网友上传的照片数以千计,已有多名乞讨儿童获救。各地网民组织成志愿者小组,利用长假到大街小巷拍摄童丐照片 [查看全文]
酒驾凶猛,应酬也凶猛。喝了开车危险,不喝抹不开面儿,喝与不喝之间,代驾成了最好的天平。春节期间,不少已开展代驾业务的汽车租赁公司和个人迎来了小旺季。 请看《中国日报 [查看全文]
You may get along well with your boss but there will always be that specific instance where you want to say more than you should. Here are ten things that you should not say to your boss. 也许你和你老板相处得很好,但总是会有 [查看全文]
1.you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)「每天都可以用!」 2. you did a good job. (你干得非常好。)「国际最通用的表扬!」 3. were so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)「最高级的表 [查看全文]
The Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 2011Moon Castle The Spote Adventure Chinese New Year is a time for family gatherings and plenty of laughs... Speaking of laughs, comedy films are looking for a big break during the Spring Festival holiday. [查看全文]
今年是兔年,在中国的文化中,兔子总跟胆小、温顺、乖巧联系在一起。在英语中,兔子有rabbit、bunny、hare三种表达,那么英语中的兔子形象跟汉语中的有什么差别呢? 1. Each time they [查看全文]