According to City Hall, on any given day there are around 120 film and television projects in production in New... [查看全文]
A British institution since 1920, the Blackpool dance festival this week decamped to Shanghai, bringing its sequin... [查看全文]
《福布斯》杂志近日发布了2017全球高薪演员排行榜,《变形金刚》男主马克•沃尔伯格以6800万美元年薪高居男演员收入榜榜首,而石头姐艾... [查看全文]
Southampton has become the latest European football club to come under Chinese ownership, after real estate magnat... [查看全文]
根据Deadline消息,莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥将在新片中饰演意大利文艺复兴巨匠达芬奇,该片将根据沃尔特•艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)... [查看全文]
Domestic action film Wolf Warrior 2 topped the box office in an unprecedented number, grossing 3.4 billion yuan ... [查看全文]
据英媒报道,简•奥斯汀的经典著作《傲慢与偏见》将被英国独立电视台(ITV)再次改编成电视剧。该小说此前已被多次翻拍成影视剧作品,而... [查看全文]
地球上的生物经过数十亿年的进化,已经能完美适应环境,比如蝙蝠靠回声定位夜间飞行、鸽子凭借地磁识途导航、林鵙鹟的羽毛可以释放毒素抵御... [查看全文]
近日,中国中央电视台官网发布消息称,中美合拍动画片《哪吒与变形金刚》进入实质阶段。《哪吒与变形金刚》项目是中美动画合作领域的里程碑... [查看全文]
据《娱乐周刊》报道,HBO内部网络近日遭黑客入侵,共有1.5TB数据被窃取,数部未播出电视剧资源被发布到网络上。目前黑客已经泄露了《球手们... [查看全文]