The Vampire Diaries has come to an end - The CW hit just aired the final episode of its eight-season run - b... [查看全文]
Resting at a depth of 13,000ft (4,000m), the RMS Titanic continues to captivate the public more than a century ... [查看全文]
When The Glory of Tang Dynasty (《大唐荣耀》) first came out in January, viewers had expected the series to fail... [查看全文]
女神要嫁给男一还是男二?大结局应该以悲剧还是喜剧收场?每次热门剧开播后,观众都为此争论不休,以至于不少导演干脆给电视剧拍两三个大结局... [查看全文]
Having reached the top of a major corporation and amassed a fortune, chief executives often wonder: What’s ... [查看全文]
Move over Kim Kardashian, there is a new social media star in town - or two, to be precise.金•卡戴珊靠边站... [查看全文]
After a dramatic reveal involving a giant melting block of ice, it's now been confirmed that season seven of... [查看全文]
今年政协委员们都谈到了哪些社会热点?一起来看看吧。全国政协委员,中国电影家协会副主席成龙成龙:是中国市场让我牛3月7日下午,十二届全... [查看全文]
再过十天,艾玛•沃森主演的真人版《美女与野兽》就要上映了,这部电影在前期宣传阶段就已赚足眼球,想来票房也会相当火爆。然而,日前... [查看全文]
Game of Clones is a British dating reality show that has contestants describe the physical attributes of their p... [查看全文]