Light ’em if you got ’em, because the first photos from Season 4 of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.... [查看全文]
As Fear the Walking Dead continues to develop in Season 2, Chris (Lorenzo James Henrie) hasbecome the character ... [查看全文]
Feed the Beast is one and done at AMC.AMC电视台宣布不再续订《盘中兽》。The cable network canceled the restaurant dra... [查看全文]
Just when you thought you had a handle on Netflix’s upcoming series, in swoops Joe Swanberg with a star-st... [查看全文]
《神探夏洛克》剧组于周三曝光了一张卷福本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和花生马丁·弗瑞曼的定妆照。至于第四季在2017年的什么时候回归就不得而知了... [查看全文]
Mary Winchester is back in action!Mary Winchester要回来了!Things are about to get very interesting. Not only do th... [查看全文]
《星际迷航3:超越星辰》9月2日上映了哦!这次的新续集讲述了科克船长和企业号船员的一次新冒险。要是你担心没有看过前作会影响观影体验,那... [查看全文]
《芝加哥警署》第三季末尾,沃伊特告诉林赛离开现场,这样她就不会成为其仇杀那个人并掩埋那个人时的目击者。那个人杀掉了沃伊特的儿子。在... [查看全文]
13季预告仅沿着12季末尾的剧情演了几分钟,其中麦琪(凯莉·麦克格瑞饰演)承认她的姐姐梅瑞狄斯 (艾伦·旁派饰演)对内森·里格斯 (马丁·... [查看全文]
近日,英国探险家,野外求生专家,主持人贝尔.格里尔斯在微博上下战书邀请洪荒少女傅园慧录制大型自然探险类节目《越野千里》。傅园慧也在... [查看全文]