欧洲杯:冰岛逆袭英格兰 震惊世界 [查看全文]
梅西宣布退出阿根廷国家队 [查看全文]
在星期日晚间举行的NBA总决赛第7场比赛中,克利夫兰骑士队以93比89的比分击败金州勇士队,荣获冠军称号,结束了克利夫兰几十年来夺冠乏力的心痛。 [查看全文]
体育新闻:里约奥组委公布2016奥运奖牌 [查看全文]
苏宁宣布收购国际米兰约70%股份 [查看全文]
欧洲杯那么火,你知道如何用英语和球迷愉快地交谈么? [查看全文]
莎拉波娃因禁赛两年提起诉讼 (双语) [查看全文]
In a professional career of two decades, thedirector Jia Zhangke has distinguished himself asone of the most sing... [查看全文]
CBA star Stephon Marbury is to star in a movieabout his life in China. The 38-year-old American is aformer New... [查看全文]
High-concept science-fiction movies tend to go intwo different directions. They can be either as campyas John Woo&... [查看全文]