Since April 1, China's regulator has required foreign TV dramas to present full seasons to the country'... [查看全文]
Claire Holt said she left The Originals last year to focus on spending more time with her loved ones, and ... [查看全文]
Downton Abbeystar Michelle Dockery may have found her next starring role. Dockery is set to star in TNT pi... [查看全文]
票房飙升和水军来袭,《大圣归来》(Monkey King: Hero is Back)从上映至今已实现了无数屠榜奇迹,连外国人都禁不住天朝影迷潮水般... [查看全文]
The Monkey King: Hero’s Return. The animated feature retells the classic tale with a new twist – ... [查看全文]
"How come, 10 times in a day, I read Steve Jobs is a genius?""我怎么可能一天中会十次称赞史蒂夫·乔布斯呢?!"A new bi... [查看全文]
中新网7月9日电 据台湾中广新闻网报道,美国著名电影演员和制片人、银幕上的大侦探汤姆·赛立克(Thomas William Selleck)日前被媒体... [查看全文]
奥普拉25年20个经典场景回顾(十五)2006年1月6日 奥普拉咄咄逼问畅销书作家 畅销书作家詹姆斯·弗雷(James Fray)忐忑地参与录制... [查看全文]
奥普拉25年20个经典场景回顾(十四)2005年5月23日 汤姆·克鲁斯跳上沙发示爱 在采访过程中,汤姆·克鲁斯突然单膝跪地,然后兴... [查看全文]