One Hannibal Lecter versus Jack Crawford fight isn't enough for the "Hannibal" TV series. After their show... [查看全文]
英国首相卡梅伦不仅爱自拍,最近还变身跑男在一档节目中成功抢镜。英国ITV电视台This Morning节目组近日在拍摄美食节目时,主持人(前排左... [查看全文]
After his character Jon Snow was killed off in the "Game of Thrones" Season 5 finale, Kit Harington has made h... [查看全文]
《花千骨》先导片花英文版《花千骨》虐美英文台词:1. In this world I was afraid of two things, the ghost and the maste... [查看全文]
New York Asian Film Festival Features Ringo Lam, Hong Kong Crime Master纽约亚洲电影节授予林岭东终身成就奖It’s be... [查看全文]
It doesn’t take a genius to understand how fickle the pop music industry can be, which certainly makes it... [查看全文]
He's currently Down Under to attend a five day 'Christian' Hillsong convention after recently getting i... [查看全文]
Jon Snow is one of the most beloved characters in Game of Thrones. We have watched him grow from a boy in th... [查看全文]
行尸走肉》(TheW alking Dead)第六季的首款预告将于下周在圣地亚哥动漫展(SanD iego Comic-Con)期间正式公布。日前通过Entertainment ... [查看全文]
It's been a long road to recovery for Avril Lavigne following her Lyme disease diagnosis last year, and the... [查看全文]