A new website which claims it can automatically detect your age from a photo launched yesterday and it's alr... [查看全文]
《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)第八季即将结束,似乎季终集会放大招。制作人斯蒂文·莫拉罗(Steven Molaro)暗示剧中的两对情... [查看全文]
Justin Bieber may be next in line to face Derek Zoolander in a walk-off.贾斯汀·比伯可能会是下一个与德里克·祖兰德在T... [查看全文]
Entertainment Weekly: In the first Avengers film, Cap was the outsider still trying to figure out where he belon... [查看全文]
‘Furious 7’ Becomes China’s Most Successful Movie Ever《速度与激情7》票房破20亿,成中国最卖座电影Furious... [查看全文]
据票房网站Mojo统计,漫威超级英雄大片《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》(Avengers: Age of Ultron)本周末票房为1.87亿美元。 凭借如此... [查看全文]
36岁的《吸血鬼日记》男星Ian Somerhalder和26岁的《暮光之城》女星Nikki Reed在相恋9个月后,于4月26日在加州马里布结婚了!同剧组的... [查看全文]
范·迪塞尔(Vin Diesel)和他的朋友们的故事还没有结束! 在拉斯维加斯周四的电影动漫大会上,迪塞尔说《速度与激情8》已定档为2017... [查看全文]
Taylor Swift's mega-selling "1989" album has earned her a nomination for top artist at the 2015 Billboard Mus... [查看全文]
视频:一起来看谢耳朵的秘密外星人身份吧!The short, squat creatures that turn up in animated movies may all be starting... [查看全文]