The unimaginable has happened.令人意想不到的事情发生了。After five glorious years of boy-band perfection, Zayn Malik h... [查看全文]
继两年前宣布切除双侧乳腺后,为预防卵巢癌,安吉丽娜•朱莉又接受了卵巢和输卵管切除手术。来看看她发表在《纽约时报》的文章《手术日... [查看全文]
NCAA为NationalCollegeAthleticAssociation(全国大学体育协会)缩写,虽然并非专门篮球协会,但由于其为美国大学生篮球联赛制定规则计划... [查看全文]
如何在群星闪耀的好莱坞红毯上抢镜?高叉裙、低胸装已经过气了,侧露胸才是最新潮流,女星之大爱。Side boob is a view of the femal... [查看全文]
‘Frozen 2’ Is on the Way, Disney Says; More ‘Star Wars’ Plans Revealed《冰雪奇缘》和《星球大战... [查看全文]
Review: ‘Lost and Love’ (‘Shu Gi’) Stars Andy Lau as a Man Searching for His Lost Son刘德... [查看全文]
Bolaño’s ‘2666’ Coming to the Stage, Thanks to a Powerball Jackpot彩票头奖得主资助《2666》搬上... [查看全文]
Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra Racked by Infighting首尔爱乐乐团内斗丑闻继续发酵SEOUL, South Korea — When the respected ... [查看全文]
‘Cinderella’ Has a Dusting of ‘Downton Abbey’她们从唐顿庄园来到了灰姑娘家Call it an ode to what... [查看全文]
"Game of Thrones" showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioffhave said that they envision their HBO series ending af... [查看全文]