Frozen 2 has been officially announced by Disney.迪士尼已正式宣布开拍《冰雪奇缘2》。A sequel to the smash hit film w... [查看全文]
Conservationists Denounce Chinese Show Where Celebrities and Wildlife Share Stage湖南卫视热播真人秀被指不利动物保护A new... [查看全文]
Director Zhang Yimou has rounded out the cast of his upcoming film The Great Wall with several notable Chinese ... [查看全文]
The team behind Homeland dropped a bombshell on fans Friday night at PaleyFest when asked about the upcoming fif... [查看全文]
HBO公布了《权力的游戏》(Game Of Thrones)第五季的第二个全长预告片:各种角色,龙,丹妮莉斯的复仇誓言混合在一起,这是个节奏很快... [查看全文]
《闪电侠》(The Flash)的新宣传片聚焦了下半季的反派角色:3月17日,天气巫师(Liam McIntyre)将和闪电侠展开对决,他和闪电侠有私人... [查看全文]
大多数试映集能够获得正式剧集预订就已经很幸运了,但只要你和电视上最热门的剧集《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)沾点边,你就不是「... [查看全文]
Julian Fellowes on Twists in the ‘Downton Abbey’ Season Finale编剧谈《唐顿庄园》剧中角色的未来及大结局The fi... [查看全文]
The doctor who pulled Harrison Ford from the wreck of a plane crash has described how he feared a fireball fro... [查看全文]
Sarah Shahi's twins have been born. The "Person of Interest" actress gave birth to Violet Moon and Knox Blue... [查看全文]