Chinese actor Wang Xuebing, who starred in last year's Golden Bear winner Black Coal, Thin Ice, has been arr... [查看全文]
Dinner will be served on "Hannibal" on June 4 when Season 3 premieres, according to a statement from NBC. The ... [查看全文]
看多了人类与机器人的未来大战,《超能陆战队》也许能让你看到人与机器人的之间的另一种打开方式。比如:大白,来给大家卖个萌……Superher... [查看全文]
HBO热门美剧《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏》第5季在苹果发布会上发布新预告,战争宏大热血,几大家族代表纷纷出镜,而最霸气的莫过于龙女卡... [查看全文]
The first images of Melissa Benoist in her "Supergirl" costume have been revealed and they look downright heroic.... [查看全文]
Emma Watson has shared her joy at Dan Stevens being cast as the Beast to her Beauty in the live-action remake... [查看全文]
Several weeks after filing for divorce from husband Mike Comrie, Hilary Duff opened up about the decision in Cos... [查看全文]
A Spanish actress was caught faking her illustrious career by editing her face onto pictures of other celebrities... [查看全文]
谁说机器人一定要冷硬无情?电影《超能陆战队》中的大白就以其暖萌的形象和个性赢得了全球观众的心。今天,就一起来数数暖男大白的萌点吧!Th... [查看全文]
Actress Maggie Smith, who plays the Dowager Countess on the PBS hit drama, says she's likely done after the... [查看全文]