Fans of "The Walking Dead" who are still not over Beth dying in Season 5 can have a little bit of solace by... [查看全文]
2007年5月,陈汉典首次在《康熙来了》登场,担任小S与蔡康永的助理主持人,负责耍宝搞笑,给观众带来了无数欢声笑语。日前,陈汉典到大陆参... [查看全文]
There may have been a glittering array of Hollywood stars at the BAFTAs on Sunday night, but the man everyone ... [查看全文]
After months of anticipation by fans, Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi's boyfriend has proposed.粉丝们月复一月的等候终于... [查看全文]
美版《甄嬛传》大年初二登陆北京卫视和浙江卫视。美版减少了人物数量,精简了人物关系,原本的76集缩减为6集,每集90-120分钟,英文配... [查看全文]
Like that of her own character, Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling's life has the luster of a fairy tale.J. K. 罗... [查看全文]
Miramax and Roadside Attractionshave just debuted the first clip from the upcoming Mr. Holmes, starring Sir Ian M... [查看全文]
Lord of Butt洛霸A popular nickname for Jennifer Lopez in Hong Kong and Chinais "luo ba," which translates to "Lo... [查看全文]
Curly Blessing卷福Benedict Cumberbatch is known as "Curly Blessing," or "juan fu."本尼迪克特・康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberb... [查看全文]
Netflix continues to promote the third season of House of Cards with new key art and a motion poster. Season 3... [查看全文]