Michelle Dockery shows her sexy side on the cover of Manhattan magazine’s March 2014 issue.在《Manhattan》杂志... [查看全文]
克里斯汀娜·杨(Cristina Yang)告别《实习医生格蕾》(Grey's Anatomy)的脚步越来越近。 据TVLine网站报道,阔别已久的以赛亚... [查看全文]
-Sheldon: In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm,冬天的时候,这个地方离电暖器最近,... [查看全文]
‘12 Years a Slave’ Claims Best Picture Oscar奥斯卡奖纷纷揭晓,《为奴十二年》创造历史In a triumph long defer... [查看全文]
Another Helping of ‘Downton,’ M’Lord?《唐顿庄园》剧本秘方:柔和叙事中突起波澜The fourth season of Downto... [查看全文]
Drama '12 Years A Slave' Wins Oscar For Best Picture《为奴十二年》获奥斯卡最佳影片奖The slavery drama '12... [查看全文]
最佳影片:《为奴十二年》Best picture: 12 Years a Slave最佳导演:阿方索-卡隆 《地心引力》Best director: Alfonso Cuar&oacut... [查看全文]
1.《Love Actually( 真爱至上)》推荐理由:最感人的是每对情侣之间的白板告白,每次看到都泪崩!当音乐响起,心中总是暖暖的。The film ... [查看全文]
A source close to the pair exclusively tells E! News that Perry broke up with Mayer within the last few days.... [查看全文]
1. "Shake with your right hand but hold a rock in your left."用右手握手,但左手要握着石头。2. "Even Achilles was o... [查看全文]