Forget Medals, Olympians Vie For Puppy Love冬奥会选手爱上流浪狗Forget official Sochi Olympics merchandise. U.S. athlet... [查看全文]
《机器之心》Almost Human不仅请到了长期活跃在大银幕上的男星卡尔·厄本担纲男一号,更是邀请到好莱坞著名制作人J·J·艾布拉姆斯担... [查看全文]
Extreme Park Crashes Taking Outsize Toll on Women冬奥会极限项目令更多女运动员受伤A Czech snowboarder named Sarka Panco... [查看全文]
Cara Delevingne and Michelle Rodriguez had a hot date in London. According to the Mirror on Feb. 18, the su... [查看全文]
Looks like another Gossip Girl star is off the market. 看来又一个绯闻女孩名花有主了。 Just over a year afte... [查看全文]
Good news for fans of "House of Lies" and "Shameless," as Showtime says they will be back in 2015 for thei... [查看全文]
The 2014 Academy Awards announced Tuesday morning that Idina Menzel will perform Frozen’s hit song Let It G... [查看全文]
Sure, he's been down this road before – three times to be exact.婚礼的殿堂他已经走过3次了——然后他又3次走了... [查看全文]
"Orange Is the New Black" Season 2 has a premiere date: The dark comedy will return to Netflix on Friday, June... [查看全文]
His role in The Wolf of Wall Street earned him a BAFTA nomination for Leading Actor.凭借在《华尔街之狼》中的精湛演... [查看全文]