A Conversation With Steven Moffat, a ‘Sherlock’ Co-Creator《神探夏洛克》主创谈夏洛克Steven Moffat is the co... [查看全文]
Olympic Officials Scramble to Counter Warm Weather索契不够冷,愁坏冬奥会组织者KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia — With the Win... [查看全文]
How Absolute Power Can Delight Absolutely《纸牌屋》第二季,阴郁剧情更加动人House of Cards may well be the most joyles... [查看全文]
1.There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong... or useless pain...The sort of pain th... [查看全文]
CW电视台续订《吸血鬼日记》、《凶鬼恶灵》、《绿箭》等5部剧 CW电视台近日早早宣布,给予5部表现出色的剧集续订的机会。它们分别是... [查看全文]
A French media firestorm has been circulating claims that Barack Obama and Beyonce are dangerously in love.法国媒... [查看全文]
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Actor of Depth, Dies at 46菲利普·霍夫曼,实力男演员因毒品早逝Philip Seymour Hoffman, perhaps ... [查看全文]
1. Olivia Munn奥立薇娅•玛恩(美国女星)Rest in peace Shirley Temple, the world is so much brighter because you w... [查看全文]
The current TV season has already given us Ravenswood, The Originals and Chicago PD.现在正在播出的衍生剧剧集有《鸦林... [查看全文]
As Seen on TV, a Medical Mystery Involving Hip Implants Is Solved医疗剧《豪斯医生》助医生确诊疑难病例By a strange co... [查看全文]