In a new Rolling Stone interview, Justin Bieber speaks openly and candidly about love, sex, abortion, and even universal health care. I don't think you should have sex with anyone unless you love them, says the 16-year-old pop star. Not tha [查看全文]
华纳兄弟影业即将出品的《大侦福尔摩斯》续集的官方电影名已正式确定为《福尔摩斯2:暗影游戏》(SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS),影片将在2011年12月16日上映。 英国俊才导演盖里奇 [查看全文]
《暮光之城4:破晓》中,爱德华和贝拉将修成正果;日前有传闻说,这俩娃也将于今夏拍摄完这部电影后在风景迷人的纳帕山谷完婚,这是真的吗? The good news is out about the famous coupl [查看全文]
当红小天王贾斯汀比伯和好莱坞女星赛琳娜戈麦斯近来一直新闻不断,一会说是两人公布恋情,大方牵手上街,一会又说不会一起过情人节。哎,真搞不懂现在恋个爱咋那么复杂,明星 [查看全文]
年度最佳制作(Record Of The Year) Lady Antebellum《Need You Now》 年度最佳专辑(Album Of The Year) Arcade Fire《The Suburbs》 年度最佳歌曲(Song Of The Year) Lady Antebellum《Need You Now》 最佳新人(Be [查看全文]
近日,Lady Gaga以一袭清凉织物的春装、头顶粉色锅盔头的造型登上了美国版《VOGUE》杂志的封面,依旧我行我素,丝毫不掩乖张的个人风格。再为三月号所拍摄的时尚大片中,Lady Gaga身 [查看全文]
当红小正太贾斯汀比伯的首部传记影片《Never Say Never》于近日在美国洛杉矶举行了首映典礼,一众圈内好友都应邀出席,而当晚最吸引人眼球的除了B宝本人以外,就要数少女偶像泰勒 [查看全文]
他们,一个是《绝望主妇》中的当红女星,一个是NBA炙手可热的篮球明星。伊娃朗格利亚和托尼帕克,曾经美好的一对,而今终究还是分道扬镳了。是爱得不够深,还是这个世界诱惑太 [查看全文]
Oops she did it again...Britney Spears has walked down the aisle for the third time. But this time the pop star is not tying the knot. The 29-year-old singer played bridesmaid for her gay assistant and friend, Brett Miller in Miami, yesterd [查看全文]
According to The Associated Press, a spokeswoman for the Oscar-winning actress said Berry backed out of a role in 'New Year's Eve'. Directed by 'Runaway Bride's Garry Marshall, the film stars Robert De Niro, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ashton Kut [查看全文]