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2011-01-18第68届金球奖美剧电影奖项火热出炉 完整名单呈现

最佳剧情类电影: 《社交网络》 Best Motion Picture - Drama Winner: The Social Network (2010) 最佳剧情类电影男主角: 《国王的演讲》 柯林非斯 Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama Winner: [查看全文]

2011-01-17《社交网络》网住金球 波特曼好孕当头封后

美国当地时间1月16日晚6时,第68届美国电影电视金球奖(Golden Globe Awards),在贝弗利山希尔顿酒店举行颁奖典礼。这场近几年来美女明星密度最大、超级明星最多的金球奖颁奖典礼,显 [查看全文]

2011-01-17Lady Gaga钱途无量 总收入有望破亿

如日中天的流行天后Lady Gaga在去年《福布斯》财富榜名列第7为,同时也是去年音乐人中的吸金王,同时,这家杂志还预测,这位歌手在2011年中还将钱途无量。 在过去的2010年中,Lady [查看全文]

2011-01-15蝙蝠侠前传3—《黑暗骑士崛起》选女角 好莱坞众佳丽跃跃欲试

备受关注的《蝙蝠侠》系列电影的最新一集《黑暗骑士的崛起》即将于年内开机,日前,剧组正式启动了片中女性角色的遴选工作,而这部重头戏的科幻动作大片自然引来了不少女明星 [查看全文]

2011-01-14北美票房冠军喜剧:Little Fockers 《我的岳父大人3》

It has taken 10 years, two children with wife Pam (Teri Polo) and countless hurdles for Greg (Ben Stiller) to finally get in with his father-in-law, Jack. After the cash-strapped dad takes a job moonlighting for a drug company, however, Jac [查看全文]

2011-01-13奥普拉玩真人秀 卸妆洗澡素颜照曝光

Oprah laid bare: Chat show queen goes make-up free for cameras - and even lets them film her in the bath Appearing without make-up and even in the bath, the chat show queen is even caught when she is 'so drugged' on painkillers after an ope [查看全文]

2011-01-12《假结婚》桑德拉假戏成真 同斯嘉丽前夫姐弟恋

Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds perfected their on-screen chemistry in the hit, The Proposal. Now, the pair, each of who are coming off of public, Hollywood-tabloid splits, may have an off screen romance to call their own. Sources indicate [查看全文]

2011-01-11当代恐怖大师新作《病房》 精神病美女鬼缠身

《病房》电影海报 恐怖大师约翰卡朋特将近10年之后再度回归大银幕,新作《病房》曝光完整版预告片及影片海报。 约翰卡朋特可谓7、80年代美国恐怖片领域的旗手,《万圣节》、《怪 [查看全文]

2011-01-10斯韦福特恋情盘点 细数历任绯闻男友

Long before her famous boyfriends, Taylor Swift wrote a song about a guy named Drew and found mainstream success with her ballad Teardrops on My Guitar. Now when Swift writes a tune, while she may not confirm who she's singing about, her mu [查看全文]

2011-01-082011最佳着装榜 西班牙影星巴登居首

2011最佳着装榜 西班牙影星巴登居首 Spanish actor Bardem voted best-dressed man 哈维尔巴登 International glamour outstripped Hollywood and hometown favorites at the top of the 2011 best-dressed list for men's magazine GQ. 在 [查看全文]