Sometimes it is hard to say whether life copies drama or drama copies life.有时候,很难说是人生如戏,还是戏如人生。Ch... [查看全文]
HONG KONG — Jin Yong, a literary giant of the Chinese-speaking world whose fantastical epic novels inspired coun... [查看全文]
From the moment Atmane Airouche, president of French soccer club AS Bondy, saw Kylian Mbappe, he knew this 5-yea... [查看全文]
1. Put your phone down1.放下手机Maintaining eye contact when someone is talking will help build trust because it ... [查看全文]
Many young people may write a letter to express their love when they have a crush on somebody. However, for fa... [查看全文]
Cara Delevingne has been named as one of the richest British celebrities aged 30 and under.卡拉·迪瓦伊成为30岁以下... [查看全文]
When it's all said and done, DeMarcus Cousins will be a footnote in Golden State's dynasty. He might pla... [查看全文]
The next Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCapriocollaboration will begin shooting next Summer.下一部马丁·斯科塞斯和莱昂... [查看全文]
GoldenState Warriors superstars StephenCurry andKevin Durant are playing better together than at anyother point in ... [查看全文]
一代武侠小说大师金庸30日在香港养和医院病逝,享年94岁。对于几代国人来讲,金庸去世预示着一个武侠时代的结束,也是自己青葱记忆的落幕。... [查看全文]