The fictional superhero Spider-Man is familiar to us all, with his red and blue webbed costume. And now, it&rsqu... [查看全文]
It’s been a beautiful year for Timothee Chalamet.对于提莫西·查拉梅而言,今年是美好的一年。At 22, he became the ... [查看全文]
Fox already has set a December 20, 2019, releasedate for Death on the Nile, which Christie published in 1937.福... [查看全文]
10月13日,国际足球友谊赛,中国队坐镇苏州奥体中心迎战印度队。由于两国人口加起来接近30亿,这场比赛也被球迷戏称为地球德比。比赛最终以... [查看全文]
Meghan Markle is no longer the only one to get a happily-ever-after ending now that her ex-husband has tied the... [查看全文]
2019年国际网球名人堂首次增加的网络票选结果已出炉,中国两届大满贯女单冠军得主李娜力压克罗地亚选手伊万尼塞维奇和法国选手皮尔斯成为人... [查看全文]
Boy band Westlife are getting back together -- seven years after they split.在解散7年之后,西城男孩要重组回归了。Kian... [查看全文]
It sounded like cats jumping off the Empire State Building. 听上去像一只猫从帝国大厦跳下来。 I'm going to... [查看全文]
让人春心荡漾的爱情电影《请以你的名字呼唤我》要拍续集了!喜大普奔!但是问题来了:导演想不出续集应该叫什么名字。网友纷纷表示,这有什么... [查看全文]
"Operation Red Sea" will represent China's HongKong Special Administration Region to compete for the Best Forei... [查看全文]