Today, with a wide range of feelings, I'm announcing my retirement from basketball. IMMENSE GRATITUDE to every... [查看全文]
Generating nearly 14 billion "clicks" in around 50 days, the fantasy series Legend of Fuyao has become the most... [查看全文]
风靡全球的热门美剧《生活大爆炸》9月将迎来第十二季,同时也是这部长寿美剧的最后一季。自2007年播出以来,该剧屡获大奖,在全球范围内圈... [查看全文]
近日,NBA官方网站公布了2018届新秀的内部投票结果,预测最有前景的新秀,预测选秀黑马,评选出单项能力最强的新秀等等。However, it wil... [查看全文]
China’s women’s football team made it two resounding wins out of two at the 2018 Asian Games, thrasin... [查看全文]
如果你还没听说过杜布罗夫尼克的名字,那你真是out了!这座中世纪古城可是近年来大热的电视剧《权力的游戏》的取景地。事实上,卖座电影和热... [查看全文]
Ving Rhames thinks Tom Cruise is getting too old todo his own stunts.文?瑞姆斯认为汤姆?克鲁斯年纪大了,不能再做危险动... [查看全文]
Victoria Beckham has reportedly decided to take a step back from her eponymous fashion line, hiring anew CEO to... [查看全文]
近日,4名日本男篮球员身穿日本代表团的制服出现在了雅加达红灯区的夜总会。在经过了问询之后,这4人承认在凌晨时分出现在了欢乐街,并与那... [查看全文]
Taylor Swift on Tuesday addressed her Tampa, Florida fans with an empowering message as she looked back on the ... [查看全文]