Meghan Markle has made it clear that she refuses to be manipulated by her father's 'emotional blackmail... [查看全文]
As of the moment as an Instagram feed, Crazy Rich Asians revisits Jane Austen’s timeless universal truth ab... [查看全文]
近日,火箭终于凑成正版安灯泡——不是安德森,而是莫胖子心仪已久的安东尼!众火密也是闻讯喜极而泣,纷纷出院。过程大概是:雷霆与老鹰达... [查看全文]
This is not the way to welcome Queen Elizabeth home!这不该是欢迎伊丽莎白女王回家的方式!The 92-year-old monarch officia... [查看全文]
Angelina Jolie has accused Brad Pitt of failing to support their kids financially amid the couple's long-runni... [查看全文]
Meghan Markle has reportedly declined an invitation to the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles next month.据报道,梅根·马克... [查看全文]
7月31日,阚清子与纪凌尘分手登上热搜。纪凌尘的回应——你喜欢大海,我爱过你,掀起吐槽热潮。示爱的时候,情话再土也能打动恋人心。而分... [查看全文]
In January 2017, the director Jon M. Chu announced an open casting call for Asian and Asian-American actors for... [查看全文]
为了提高奥斯卡颁奖典礼的收视率,美国电影艺术与科学学院宣布将在明年增设最佳流行影片奖项,同时将颁奖典礼时长缩短到3小时。你最爱的一... [查看全文]
The then 18-year-old artist Wang Ximeng from the Song Dynasty (960-1279) painted A Panorama of Rivers and Mountai... [查看全文]