One of the hottest food vloggers (video bloggers) in China right now, 24-year-old Chengdu native Ms Yeah (aka Xi... [查看全文]
电影中的奇妙世界让我们流连忘返,其实,幕后的故事也同样精彩。The Theory Of Everything 《万物理论》In an e-mail to director... [查看全文]
世界杯决赛中,法国队与克罗地亚队上演巅峰对决。最终法国队4-2击败克罗地亚队,自1998年之后,历史上第2次获得世界杯冠军。Soccer Footba... [查看全文]
WIMBLEDON, England — Four years after playing the last match of her career at Wimbledon, Li Na has returned to... [查看全文]
在昨晚的比赛中,英格兰队在加时赛遭克罗地亚队逆转,已无缘大力神杯。但在赛场之外,英格兰队主帅索斯盖特却成为本届世界杯最有名的带货王... [查看全文]
The highly anticipated comedy film "Dying to Survive" has hit Shanghai screens, and will also debut on China'... [查看全文]
7月10日,皇马俱乐部官方宣布,C罗正式转会意甲尤文图斯,签约四年,合同期至2022年6月30日。Cristiano Ronaldo is joining Juventus ... [查看全文]
A women's soccer game between Canberra FC andBelconnen United Blue Devils at Deakin, Australia, was delayed fo... [查看全文]
Little Women is getting yet another remake and I am SCREAMING—mostly, because this one includes Timothée C... [查看全文]
For more than a year, the pianist Lang Lang has been largely out of commission with an injured left arm — a... [查看全文]