在国际足联第68届会员代表大会上,经过会员国全体投票,美国、墨西哥和加拿大的三国联合申办体击败另一候选国摩洛哥,获得2026年世界杯举办... [查看全文]
俄罗斯世界杯开幕战还没打响,尼日利亚队就先火了一把。然而让他们出名的并不是球坛帅哥或者炸裂的球技,而是潮爆了的队服。这款球衣由耐克... [查看全文]
It’s like a modern fairy tale, in which the princess wins the hearts of everyone, except that the princess... [查看全文]
JaVale McGee贾维尔·麦基McGee, after stints in Denver, Philadelphia andDallas, signed with the Golden State Warriors... [查看全文]
Every four years, millions of people gather in summer to watch soccer games and cheer for their favorite teams ... [查看全文]
Her romantic relationships have made headlines over the last two months.在过去的两个月中,她的感情生活频上头条。Weeks a... [查看全文]
The Spartak Stadium in Moscow is one of the main venues for the 2018 World Cup in Russia.莫斯科斯巴达克体育场是20... [查看全文]
俄罗斯世界杯开幕前夕,市场调查机构伊普索莫利进行了一次全球民调,结果显示,沙特阿拉伯民众对足球最狂热,俄罗斯民众对足球最缺乏激情。... [查看全文]
The Warriors are celebrating their third title on Friday night after beating the Cavaliers 108-85, with a signatu... [查看全文]
如果你看完标题,还不知道王菊是谁,那你可真成了菊外人。最近选秀节目《创造101》火了,但这些选手几乎让人分不清楚,她们都是肤白貌美大... [查看全文]