The Dragon龙◎ Ba Jin◎ 巴金I often have dreams,especially on a moonless and starless dark night.Once I dreamed... [查看全文]
No Title无题◎ Xia Yan◎ 夏衍Often,in my calm moment of contemplation,I find it amazing that a man like me who... [查看全文]
My Narrow Escape from a Wolf's Jaws 我差点被狼吃了!◎ Bing Xin ◎ 冰心The editors of the Childhood asked me... [查看全文]
Tidings of Spring春的消息◎ Bing Xin◎ 冰心Whenever I looked out of the window sitting at my desk,what struck my... [查看全文]
Joys of the Teaching Career 当教师的快乐◎ Bing Xin ◎ 冰心I was a teacher for only ten years.In 1926,on my r... [查看全文]
A Profile of Sa Zhenbing 记萨镇冰先生◎ Bing Xin ◎ 冰心I'll always hold Mr.Sa Zhenbing in high esteem.When... [查看全文]
The Dog 狗◎ Lao She ◎ 老舍Of all dogs in the world,those in China are perhaps the most pitiful and ugly-loo... [查看全文]
OnReading Is Always Beneficial 说开卷有益◎ Yu Dafu ◎ 郁达夫Reading is always beneficialis an old idiom first use... [查看全文]
Nothing Is Impossible to a Willing Mind 什么事不可能◎ Zou Taofen ◎ 邹韬奋Nobody in the past ever believed that... [查看全文]
The Commercial Press and I 我和商务印书馆◎ Ye Shengtao ◎ 叶圣陶If I'm asked what profession I've been fo... [查看全文]