The Grave of KeatsRid of the world's injustice, and his pain,He rests at last beneath God's veil of blue... [查看全文]
The Theatre at ArgosNettles and poppy mar each rock-hewn seat:No poet crowned with olive deathlesslyChants his gla... [查看全文]
Impression de VoyageThe sea was sapphire coloured, and the skyBurned like a heated opal through the air;We hoiste... [查看全文]
临近意大利吟商籁我抵达阿尔卑斯:我的灵魂开始燃烧,意大利,我的意大利,为你的芳名:我来自山脉的腹地深处,看到我生命眷恋的那一片土地... [查看全文]
A VisionTwo crownèd Kings, and One that stood aloneWith no green weight of laurels round his head,But with... [查看全文]
The True KnowledgeThou knowest all: —I seek in vainWhat lands to till or sow with seed;The land is black with... [查看全文]
Αἴλινον, αἴλινον εἰπέ, τὸ δ' &e... [查看全文]
The Dole of the King's Daughter(Breton)Seven stars in the still water,And seven in the sky;Seven sins on the... [查看全文]
ChansonA ring of gold and a milk-white doveAre goodly gifts for thee,And a hempen rope for your own loveTo hang... [查看全文]
La Bella Donna Della Mia MenteMy limbs are wasted with a flame,My feet are sore with travelling,For calling on ... [查看全文]