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2016-09-14We Two—How Long We were Fool’d 我俩,我们被愚弄了这么久

We two—how long we were fool’d!Now transmuted, we swiftly escape, as Nature escapes;We are Nature—long have... [查看全文]

2016-09-14One Hour to Madness and Joy 一小时的狂热和喜悦

One hour to madness and joy!O furious! O confine me not!(What is this that frees me so in storms?What do my s... [查看全文]

2016-09-14A Noiseless Patient Spider 一只沉默而耐心的蜘蛛

A NOISELESS, patient spider,I mark'd, where, on a little promontory, it stood, isolated;Mark'd how, to expl... [查看全文]

2016-09-13One’s-Self I Sing 我歌唱一个人的自身

One’S-SelF I sing—a simple, separate Person;Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-masse.Of Physiology fr... [查看全文]

2016-09-13O Captain! My Captain! 哦.船长,我的船长!

O Captain! My Captain!O Caption! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;The ship has weather'd every rack, the... [查看全文]


辛弃疾的《青玉案·元夕》一词脍炙人口。英文翻译有很多。最著名的非许渊冲老先生翻译的版本莫属了。许渊冲----诗译英法唯一人 ,北京大学... [查看全文]


蝶恋花欧阳修庭院深深深几许?杨柳堆烟,帘幕无重数。玉勒雕鞍游冶处,楼高不见章台路。雨横风狂三月暮,门掩黄昏,无计留春住。泪眼问花花... [查看全文]


春 夜苏轼春宵一刻值千金,花有清香月有阴。歌管楼台声细细,秋千院落夜沉沉。Spring NightTranslated by Xu YuanchongA moment of... [查看全文]


蝶恋花柳永伫倚危楼风细细,望极春愁,黯黯生天际。草色烟光残照里,无言谁会凭阑意。拟把疏狂图一醉,对酒当歌,强乐还无味。衣带渐宽终不... [查看全文]


采桑子欧阳修轻舟短棹西湖好,绿水逶迤,芳草长堤,隐隐笙歌处处随。无风水面琉璃滑,不觉船移,微动涟漪,惊起沙禽掠岸飞。Gathering Mul... [查看全文]