I AM small because I am a little child. I shall be big when I am as old as my father is.我人很小,因为我是一... [查看全文]
MOTHER, your baby is silly! She is so absurdly childish!She does not know the difference between the lights in ... [查看全文]
WHEN the gong sounds ten in the morning and I walk to school by our lane,早晨,钟敲十下的时候,我沿着我们的小巷到学... [查看全文]
IF I were only a little puppy, not your baby, mother dear, would you say "No" to me if I tried to eat from... [查看全文]
Is packing important to you?A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admi... [查看全文]
IMAGINE, mother, that you are to stay at home and I am to travel into strange lands.妈妈,让我们想象,你待在家里,... [查看全文]
WHEN storm clouds rumble in the sky and June showers come down,当雷云在天上轰响,六月的阵雨落下的时候,The moist east... [查看全文]
I LONG to go over there to the further bank of the river,我渴想到河的对岸去。Where those boats are tied to the ... [查看全文]
THE boat of the boatman Madhu is moored at the wharf of Rajgunj.船夫曼特胡的船只停泊在拉琪根琪码头。It is uselessly... [查看全文]
DAY by day I float my paper boats one by one down the running stream.我每天把纸船一个个放在急流的溪中。In big blac... [查看全文]