Nothing stirred on the African plains. The sun glared down and Hare crept inside the cool hollow of a baobab t... [查看全文]
One day, a colt(小马,生手) carried a bag of wheat to the mill.As he was running with the bag on his back, he... [查看全文]
A long time ago and far away, there lived a merchant and his three daughters. The older girls were proud, whil... [查看全文]
Though Monkey was versatile(多才多艺的) and boasted supernatural powers, Great Sage Sun as he was called, was fool... [查看全文]
In the Spring and Autumn Period, there lived in Chu a person named Chu Zhuliang, who addressed himself as "Lord... [查看全文]
Among the outstanding figures of Chinese history, famous either for their intelligence ortreachery(背叛,变节), Cao ... [查看全文]
In the Han Dynasty in Qiancheng lived a man by the name of Dong Yong. His mother died when he was a child. ... [查看全文]
Long ago, there was a boy, clever, diligent and honest. Orphaned at an early age, he was very poor. However, h... [查看全文]
《二十四孝》全名《全相二十四孝诗选》,是元代郭居敬编录,一说是其弟郭守正,第三种说法是郭居业撰。二十四孝包含二十四个关于孝顺的故事... [查看全文]
24:Personally Scrubbing His Mother's Chamber-pot: Huang Tingjian.涤亲溺器:黄庭坚Huang Tingjian was a well-known c... [查看全文]