13:Fan Mattress and Warm Quilt 扇枕温衾:黄香Huang Xiang was a man of Anlu, Jiangxia in the East Han Dynasty. His... [查看全文]
12:Bury Son to Support His Mother 埋儿奉母:郭巨Guo Ju was a man of Longlv (today's Linzhou, Anyang, Henan) or... [查看全文]
11: Take Oranges for Parent 怀橘遗亲:陆绩Lu Ji was a man of Huating, Wu County (today's Songjiang, Shanghai) ... [查看全文]
10:Work as Laborer to Support Mother 行佣供母:江革Jiang Ge was a man of Zibo, Kingdom Qi in the period of the... [查看全文]
09:Carve Wood for Worshipping Parents 刻木事亲:丁兰According to the legend, Ding Lan was a man of Henei (today... [查看全文]
08:Sell Oneself for Burial of Father 卖身葬父:董永According to the legend, Dong Yong was a man of Qiancheng (tod... [查看全文]
07:Entertain the Parents with Performances 戏彩娱亲:老莱子Lao Laizi was an anchorite in Spring and Autumn Period. ... [查看全文]
Feeding Parents with Deer's Milk 中国二十四孝经典民间故事06:郯子鹿乳奉亲 (中英)讲述了二十四孝中Tan Tzu was a man i... [查看全文]
05:Obedient to Mother with Flimsy Clothes 芦衣顺母:闵损Min Sun, with the alias of Ziqian, was a man in the Stat... [查看全文]
04:Carrying Rice for More Than a Hundred Li for 百里负米:仲由Zhong You, with the alias of Zilu or Jilu, was a... [查看全文]