编辑点评:一部阿凡达开启了3D电影的风潮,现在不论什么电影都要3D了。不过3D也快要out了,4D电影以及现在世博园内的环幕电影正引领新一代视听体验,四周环绕的银幕加上全方位... [查看全文]
Haibao, the robot Haibao robots march in the Shanghai Expo Park, June 1, 2010. A total of 20 Expo mascot robots made up a team to w... [查看全文]
HK Ballet displays diversity The Hong Kong Ballet will present a triple bill, "Summer Delights," featuring three diverse dance pieces by famou... [查看全文]
目前网上正在热销各种各样的观世博必备用品,包括遮阳帽、遮阳伞,还有一种能折叠的小凳子,在排队等待进馆参观的时候,随身携带一个小凳子还是很有必要的。 这种“折叠凳”的... [查看全文]
5月22日,美国国务卿克林顿(Hillary Rodham Clinton)在上海世博会美国馆招待会上发表讲话。讲话中她再次引用了一句诗:山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。 Establishing an... [查看全文]
Malawian President Bingu wa Mutharika paid a visit to the African Joint Pavilion in the Expo Garden on Thursday, April 30, 2010. The president is in town for the opening ceremony of 2010 Expo Shanghai [查看全文]
中国馆是上海世博园内的标志性建筑,里里外外都透露出传统的中国风情,“东方之冠”是用一种叫做“斗拱”的传统技术建造的。每个角落里交错的横梁赋予了这座建筑独特的面貌。... [查看全文]
Volunteers promote World No Tobacco Day in E China A volunteer shows an anti-smoking sign to a smoker in Liaocheng city of east China's Sh... [查看全文]
世博远大馆的六层高楼能抵抗九级地震,而且仅花了一天时间就拔地而起。展馆建筑不仅通过了国家抗震9度测试,达到了全球最高等级,而且节省材料和能源,体现了环保低碳的理念。... [查看全文]
Japan brings traditional Awa Dance to Expo The Awa Dance, a traditional Japanese dance dating back more than 400 years, was performed at th... [查看全文]