26日,上海世博会发现了首例假门票,公安机关目前已展开侦查,将严厉打击制假者。上海世博会组织者提醒公众从正规渠道购票,以免上当受骗,权益受损。 据介绍,自上海世博会开... [查看全文]
5月26日,上海世博会拉脱维亚馆举行开馆仪式,拉脱维亚总理东布罗夫斯基斯亲临现场剪彩。据悉,拉脱维亚馆是上海世博会最后一个完工开馆的自建馆。尽管世博会开幕已过去了25天... [查看全文]
为了更好地服务游客在浦西游园参观,满足游客需求,世博浦西园区自25日起新增观光电瓶车服务,游览路线为城市最佳实践区至L3轮渡码头。 这里的“观光电瓶车”用英语怎么说呢... [查看全文]
5月24日晚,一场名为“Calabria时装珠宝秀”的时尚盛宴在意大利馆隆重上演。当晚展示的珠宝是意大利8大珠宝设计师的作品总汇。奢华瑰丽的珠宝对女孩子来说都有不可抗拒的魅力... [查看全文]
Shanghai Pavilion Theme : New Horizons Forever Pavilion Week : October 8-12 Pavilion Features Taking the form of Shikumen, Shanghai Pavilion features simple design but profound implication, plain appearance but modern taste, perfectly match [查看全文]
Lucky Liu wins a TV for being 100,000th visitor A 63-year-old retiree from Hunan Province won a 12,000-yuan (US$1,757) LCD television yesterda... [查看全文]
世博会吉林馆设计了一个雾凇体验区,是用仿真、绘画,还有多媒体投影来表现,很有层次感。吉林的雾凇是世界奇观,可能生活在南方的人很少欣赏到这一美景吧。今天我们就来说说... [查看全文]
Xinjiang Pavilion Theme : Xinjiang is a Nice Place Special Week : September 26-30 Pavilion Features With reference to Xinjiang architectural elements, the pavilion's exterior walls incorporate cultural symbols to achieve a perfect color col [查看全文]
Brazil shares practices at technology and digital seminar The design of the Brazil Pavilion is based on one of the most famous works of t... [查看全文]
Ningxia Pavilion Theme : Natural Ningxia, Harmonious Land Pavilion Week : September 21-25 Pavilion Features Lumpy curves and the distinctive structure symbolize the multi-landscape and the integration of various cultures in Ningxia Province [查看全文]