Taiwan Pavilion Theme: Mountain, Water, Heart and Lantern Highlight 1: Movie about Taiwan's Culture and Scenery Highlight 2: Lantern-flying C... [查看全文]
Sri Lanka Pavilion Theme: Tradition to Modernity Highlight 1: Tangible Heritages Highlight 2: Features in Sri Lanka National Pavilion Day: July 1... [查看全文]
Theme: Vitality of Life Highlights: Moon Boat National Pavilion Day: September 23 Pavilion Area: Around 6,000 Square Meters Location: Within Zo... [查看全文]
Republic of Korea Pavilion Theme: FriendlyCity,ColorfulLife Highlights: Basic Letters of the ROK Alphabet National Pavilion Day: May 26 Pavilion A... [查看全文]
Qatar Pavilion Theme: My City: Present Ambitions and Future Expectations National Pavilion Day: October 20 Pavilion Highlights: Fun Exhibitions;... [查看全文]
Pakistan Pavilion Theme: Harmony in Diversity Highlights: Lahore Fort National Pavilion Day: August 14 Pavilion Area: Around 2,000 Square Meter... [查看全文]
Official Spain Stamp for the Expo 2010 released The Bamboo House and the Tree Air, alongside the well known statue of Cibeles goddess ar... [查看全文]
Earliest ‘bird' fossil on display in Liaoning Pavilion The fossil of the Sinosauropteryx The simulated model of the Sinosauropteryx Foss... [查看全文]
编辑点评:穆罕默德·尤努斯。孟加拉国经济学家,诺贝尔和平奖获得者,孟加拉格来明乡村银行创始人,有“穷人的银行家”之称。他开创和发展了“微额贷款”服务,专门提供给因... [查看全文]
流利英语,你也能做到! 羡慕身边的朋友能讲一口流利的英语?口语太“烂”,跨国公司拒你于门外?英文聋哑,失去与外企公司合作的好机会?五一临近,你不想借这个休息机... [查看全文]