Oman Pavilion Theme: Oman - An Evolving Journey Highlights: Ganjah National Pavilion Day: July 22 Pavilion Area: Around 2,000 Square Meters Loca... [查看全文]
Nepal Pavilion Theme: Tales of Kathmandu City - Seeking the Soul of a City; Exploration and Speculation Highlights: Soul of the Foreign Land... [查看全文]
Morocco Pavilion Theme: The Art of Life National Pavilion Day: September 30 Location: Within Zone A of the Expo Site Pavilion Features The pa... [查看全文]
Macau Pavilion Location: Within Zone A of the Expo Site Pavilion Features The pavilion is covered by a double-layer glass membrane and fluore... [查看全文]
baby Miguelín flamenco dancing director Basilio Martín Patino at the second exhibition section The Spain Pavilion has un... [查看全文]
编辑点评:世博志愿者纪念雕塑“飞翔的心愿”昨日在世博园主题馆北面的志愿者广场揭幕。雕塑由不锈钢制成,外形类似汉字“心”,色彩斑斓,象征了世博志愿者的热情与合作精神... [查看全文]
Lebanon Pavilion Theme: The Tell-Tale Cities National Pavilion Day: June 22 Location: Within Zone A of the Expo Site Pavilion Features The pavi... [查看全文]
Kazakhstan Theme: Astana - the Hearth of Eurasia Highlights: Young and Dynamically Developing Capital, Astana National Pavilion Day: June 5 Pavi... [查看全文]
上海世博会是继北京奥运会之后,我国举办的又一次世界性盛会。上海世博会的脚步越来越近了,作为一位网友,你对即将到来的上海世博有什... [查看全文]
目前,上海世博会正在进行开幕前的首次试运行演练。据世博会组织方的消息,试运行首日,约有20万观众入园。试运行将持续到25日,为期6天。上海世博局将反馈意见,对世博会相关... [查看全文]