Host: Many people are asking such a question: Is there any difference between World Expo and the exhibitions in normal sense? 主持人:有许多人在问,世博会与一般的... [查看全文]
Maomao: Furthermore, look at the cameras in your hand. Most of cameras today are digital ones;however, the first... [查看全文]
Maomao: Hi, do you know the “origin” of the Eiffel Tower? 毛毛:哎,你知道埃菲尔铁塔的“身世”吗? Xiao Luo: It’s designed by Gustavo Eiffe... [查看全文]
Designing concept of the mascot 吉祥物的设计理念 Like the mascots for huge worldwide events such as Olympics and World Cup,the mascot of World ... [查看全文]
海宝名字的由来 Meaning of Haibao 中国2010年上海世博会吉祥物的名字叫“海宝(HAIBAO)”,意即“四海之宝”。“海宝”的名字朗朗上口,也和他身体的色彩呼应,符... [查看全文]
世博会会徽 Expo Emblem 上海世博会会徽,是三个人—你,我,他/她手牵手肩并肩的图案,它象征着全人类统属一个大家庭。设计灵感来源于中国汉字“世”(世界的意... [查看全文]
浦东主题馆 Theme Pavilions in Pudong 地理位置:会馆轴线西边B场 Location: Section B, western side of Expo Axis 占地面积:陆上总面积80000平方米... [查看全文]
世博展览中心 The Expo Performance Center 地理位置:浦东会展场所B场,会展大道东 Location: Section B in Pudong side of Expo Site, eastern side of Ex... [查看全文]
中国馆 China Pavilion 地理位置:位于世博会浦东区的B场,东部靠近会展地轴线 Location: Section B in Pudong area of Expo Site, eastern side of Expo Axi... [查看全文]
世博会 World Expo > 上海世博会 World Expo 2010 Shanghai > 世博会徽标 Expo Logo > 世博会吉祥物 Expo Mascot > 世博会纪念品 Expo Souvenir ... [查看全文]