1. What is the full name of Expo 2010? 2010年世博会的全称是什么? 2. Expo 2010 Shanghai China. 中国2010年上海世博会。 3. Is that the Expo emble... [查看全文]
76.Fudan University was founded in 1905, now known as one of China’s leading institutions of higher learning with the longest hi... [查看全文]
51.Can I have a card with the hotel's address? 是否可给我一张有旅馆地址的名片? 52.Can I get a ticket for the si... [查看全文]
26.I hope to see you again soon. 我希望不久能见到你。 27.How do you like Shanghai? 你喜欢上海吗? ... [查看全文]
世博会举办在即,各国宾朋将如约而至。我们上海敞开怀抱,做好了容纳天下客的准备。 那么作为主人的你呢?是否既兴奋,又不安;既想做回“国际人”,又担心自己的外... [查看全文]
The Louisiana Purchase Exposition, informally known as the Saint Louis World’s Fair, was an international exposition held in St. L... [查看全文]
The South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition, commonly called the Charleston Exposition or the West Indian Exposition, was a... [查看全文]
The Pan-American Exposition was a World’s Fair held in Buffalo, New York, United States, from May 1 through November 2, 1901. Hi... [查看全文]
The Exposition Universelle of 1900 was a world’s fair held in Paris, France, to celebrate the achievements of the past century and... [查看全文]
The Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition was a world’s fair held in Omaha, Nebraska from June 1 to November 1 of 1898. I... [查看全文]