编辑点评:成龙,华人社会具有影响力的影坛巨星,上海世博会形象大使。他身兼歌手、演员和导演多种身份,是国际影坛功夫巨星,在大陆、香港和东南亚等华人地区具有很高声望与... [查看全文]
1.上海世博会的理念是:理解、沟通、欢聚、合作。 The philosophies of Shanghai Expo are understanding, communication, togetherness and cooperation. 2.上... [查看全文]
Shanghai is about to embrace the World Expo, a six-month celebration of domestic and global innovation - and the city's residents a... [查看全文]
Hong Kong pavilion under way香港馆建设中 Construction began on April 10th on the Hong Kong Pavilion for the 2010 Expo Shanghai. It will be a... [查看全文]
Theme Pavilions in Pudong Location: Section B, western side of Expo Axis 地理位置:会馆轴线西边B场 Floor area: Total area of 80,000 square mete... [查看全文]
中国与世博 China and World Expo On December, 2002, China won the bid to hosting Expo 2010.This is the first General Exhibition hosted by a ... [查看全文]
艺文展示区 Art Exhibitions/ Arts and Culture 行政区域及街道图 Map of Administrative District and Street 平面配置图及罚金罚锾科罚基准 Floor Plan and Standard Fines ... [查看全文]
服务项目 Service Items 最新消息 News 禁止吸烟 No Smoking 非请莫入 No Entry 机房重地非请莫入 Authorized Personnel Only 户籍工作站 Household Registration Work Statio... [查看全文]
Loot at this profile carefully. The title is “The 2010 World Exposition ,Shanghai, China ”. this is the logo. And the theme is “better ... [查看全文]
Volunteer: Hello! I’m Expo 2010 volunteer! May I help you? 志愿者:你好! 我是上海世博会志愿者,有什么可以帮助你的吗? Visitor: Oh, yes, This i... [查看全文]