《哈利•波特》电影:harry potter 你不知道的20个真相:We know you love and review it too! So we share our 20... [查看全文]
《贝茨旅馆》第三季最后诺曼•贝茨(弗莱迪•海默 饰)逃离了母亲诺玛(维拉•法梅加 饰)控制他的地下室,并且与布拉德利(... [查看全文]
还记得《行尸走肉》秋季结局吗?Abraham (Michael Cudlitz)和Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green)在那个警察局里,Abraham在没必要地冒着... [查看全文]
From Chris Rock's opening monologue to Leonardo DiCaprio's passionate speech, a roundup of the best quo... [查看全文]
Empire won't be back until the end of March, but the Lyon family is already making its presence felt -... [查看全文]
小李子在第88届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,终于凭借影片《荒野猎人》为22年的陪跑生涯画上了圆满句号。 数度提名,塑造无数角色:1994年的《... [查看全文]
22年来多次被提名的莱昂纳多终于凭借《荒野猎人》成功封帝,冈萨雷斯也凭该片蝉联最佳导演奖,最佳影片《聚焦》,影后花落《房间》布丽... [查看全文]
On Saturday morning just before Gymnastics, MyDranbaby found out that our President BarackObama was no longer ... [查看全文]
A well-known Chinese pop star accidentally revealedshe was lip-synching instead of singing during atelevised con... [查看全文]
Jennifer Lawrence is the highest-earning actor oractress to earn an Oscar nomination in this year'sawards, ... [查看全文]