We’re in the home stretch before the holidays, thatwelcome respite before the awards machine cranksback i... [查看全文]
HBO's "Game of Thrones" once again toppedTorrentFreak's list of the most pirated TV shows. 据悉,HBO出... [查看全文]
Amazon has ordered a second season of The Man in the High Castle, TVLine reports. TVLine报道,亚马逊宣布续订... [查看全文]
Jeremy Podeswa, who directed Season 5's controversial episode "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" and the first two... [查看全文]
Will Season 10 mark the end of The Big Bang Theory? 第十季会不会是《生活大爆炸》的最后一季? Showrunner Steve... [查看全文]
Pretty Little Liars star Sasha Pieterse shared the news that she's engaged on Tuesday. The 19-year-old act... [查看全文]
在英国首播的圣诞特辑将是该剧的大结局,美国观众要过段时间才能看到。但是,《唐顿庄园》大结局会更多的体现粉丝们关注的部分。剧迷们... [查看全文]
时隔五年,历经了一次似是而非的约会,加之一场无厘头的分手,谢耳朵(吉姆·帕森斯饰演)终于要在本周四的《生活大爆炸》中与艾米(马伊... [查看全文]
只有一个政客能抢唐纳德特朗普的风头:欢迎你,安德伍德总统 Netflix电视台机智的在周二晚的共和党辩论时宣布纸牌屋第四季的预告片... [查看全文]
在《超女》的季中末集中,简直就是刚离油锅,又入火海。Cat Grant发现了Kara的真实身份,但是她没有向大众曝光,而是向Kara道谢了。但... [查看全文]