Leonard Nimoy, Spock of ‘Star Trek,’ Dies at 83生生不息,繁荣昌盛!再见,斯波克!Leonard Nimoy, the sonorous,... [查看全文]
China Overtakes the U.S. at the Box Office2月中国月度电影票房首超美国For the first time, China’s monthly box o... [查看全文]
Screw winter, it's all about dragons in Game of Thrones' chilling and ominous key art for the fantasy dr... [查看全文]
CBS has announced the summer premiere dates for returning series Under the Dome, Extantand,Big Brother, as well a... [查看全文]
Do you want more of The Walking Dead? Well of course you do, and AMC has heard you loud and clear. The zombi... [查看全文]
Following the tragic death of a 14-year-old "Sherlock" fan, star Benedict Cumberbatch sent an open letter to be ... [查看全文]
As the Oscar winners continue to bask in post-awards glory, let's take a moment to remember the losers - an... [查看全文]
沃特·戈金斯 Walt Goggins《混乱之子》(Sons of Anarchy)小编点评:戈金斯的名字绝对能位列美剧中那些不俗配角榜单之中。他是《盾牌》... [查看全文]
特伦斯·斯坦普 Terence Stamp《沙漠妖姬》(The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert)小编点评:线条分明的脸庞,优雅... [查看全文]
杰瑞德·莱托 Jared Leto《达拉斯买家俱乐部》(The Dallas Buyers Club)小编点评:在饰演《达拉斯买家俱乐部》中的变性人雷恩之前,莱... [查看全文]